Read about something unrelated to your field of study Paint how you feel Cook a favorite recipe Learn to bake...
Adeen Rizwan, Jonathan Reyes, and Kent Hsieh won this year’s BME Capstone Director Award for their consultation and proposed improvements...
The Club for Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering (CUBE) ( at the University of Toronto continues to garner recognition for its exceptional...
Be present with the difficult feelings Focus on the sensations in your body Allow the difficult feeling to exist without...
Dawn Kilkenny receives national teaching award for excellence in undergraduate engineering education
Professor Dawn Kilkenny has been recognized with The Wighton Fellowship for her outstanding development and teaching of undergraduate biomedical engineering courses at...
High school students from George Harvey Collegiate Institute (GHCI) were busy performing experiments in the IBBME design studio located in...
Her students wouldn’t suspect it, but Dawn Kilkenny feels a little stage fright at the start of every academic year. The reason?...
Meet Amy Huang: a fourth-year undergraduate student majoring in biomedical engineering and currently undertaking her thesis work in Professor Cristina...
What do ears grown on apples and a microscope built with a late-90s iMac casing found in the garbage have...
Tip 1: Presentations were made to be practiced Although there is a negative connotation with a presentation sounding too “rehearsed”,...
Most students start their university studies in the fall, but a group of keen high school students got a taste...
Jessica Trac can’t wait to start her summer research program at U of T. From May to August, she will be...