The journey of a graduate student is an odyssey, filled with transformative experiences that shape their perspectives for years to...
Amine Driouchi (BME2019) embarked on his science journey at King’s College London in biochemistry, and this eventually led to his...
In this Alumni Q&A, meet Nikola Andric, the Director of Product Development at MolecuLight, where he spearheads the advancement of...
After completing his MEng degree at BME in 2021, Eric Wong embarked on his career at Epineuron Technologies, a medical...
Alison Hacker (BME2023) recently graduated from the MEng program at the University of Toronto. Now pursuing a degree in medicine...
Meet Ronald Chow, a recent graduate from the MEng program at BME. Now, as a full-time medical student, Ronald is...
At the Autism Research Centre at the Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital, Dr. Azadeh Kushki and her team of researchers...
After Brandon Rufino completed his master’s in clinical engineering at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering in 2021, he leveraged skillsets...
Learning (or relearning) motor skills is hard work. Time, commitment, and access to services are key ingredients on the rehabilitation...
I would define a biomedical engineer as an individual with a versatile skill set that works well with other specialists...
Completed her Ph.D. in Dr. Paul Santerre’s lab in 2019, Dr. Meghan Wright always had a passion for entrepreneurship, business,...
I was born in Langley BC, but moved and lived in Abu Dhabi UAE, for 10 years before moving to...