Amine Driouchi (BME2019) embarked on his science journey at King’s College London in biochemistry, and this eventually led to his...
Dr. Cindy Yip is currently a Global Project Leader in Immunology and Heamatology at the Global Rare Disease division of...
Dr. Ahil Ganesh graduated in 2019 from Chemical Engineering/Biomedical Engineering, where he completed his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Dr....
Dr. Locke Davenport-Huyer graduated in 2019 with a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Chemical and Biomedical Engineering. During his time...
Alumnus Dr. Alphonsus Ng is the recipient of this year’s Douglas R. Colton Award for Research Excellence. This annual prize, which is...
After Brandon Rufino completed his master’s in clinical engineering at the Institute of Biomedical Engineering in 2021, he leveraged skillsets...
From screws and plates for broken bones to metal hips and dental implants, every day thousands of people undergo surgeries...
David Zhang graduated with a MASc from the Institute of Biomedical Engineering in 2016. Inspired by utilizing biomaterials to regenerate...
Meet Ronald Chow, a recent graduate from the MEng program at BME. Now, as a full-time medical student, Ronald is...
Zhamak Abdi began her academic career in Iran at Sharif University. She then started her first Masters of Science in...
Dr. Amir Manbachi (EngSci 0T8, BME MASc 1T0 & BME PhD 1T5) has been awarded the Research & Innovation Award....
Dr. Jeffrey Karp (ChemE PhD 0T4, collab with BME) has been awarded the Distinguished Alumni Award. This top accolade is...